Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Belly Fat Challenge with Jorge Cruise

Hey Everyone:
I'm writing to introduce you to a plan which I believe will delay the onset of diabetes for me and I hope that along the way, I'll be able to inspire you to think about your health and not accept that fact we're getting older and oh well... lets just be happy with what GOD gave us. I'm sorry, I just don't subscribe to this. I believe that the body GOD gave me is buried somewhere underneath my fat and flabby skin. It's an acquired body and I'm looking forward to getting it back or very close to the body I had when I was first married. The sugar I've eaten over the years and the stress I deal with on a daily has a lot to do with how I look and feel, not to mention the lack of sleep over the last 10 years. Oh... and let's not forget being pregnant at the age of 39. Does everyone see where I'm going with this. Hey, I want my sexy back! Ok everyone, that's enough, I'm going to get off of my soap box and get down to the story.
In September 09, I was rushing to make my flight to Orlando, Florida, the most happiest place in the world and I ran across a First Magazine which, by the way was sitting on a table in front of the security gate. I asked, does this magazine belong to anyone? No one claimed it so, I grabbed it. The cover said Walk off Belly Fat. Well, if you know me, anything to do with self help is right up my alley. It was fate that I found this magazine. So anyway, all the time I was thinking, I can't believe I'm going to a sunny place and still hanging on to this post pregnancy belly. The embarrassment of getting into my bathing suit made me appreciate cover ups.
I was on my way to a Compass life coaching conference and was very excited. It was the first time I had been away since my little one was born and I looked forward to relaxing, eating well and the overall renewal process of working out. I was to meet a colleague and friend Kristi and the owner of Compass, Kim Fulcher.
We'll the conference was so much more than I anticipated. I got back in touch with my spirit and rediscovered the person I'm striving to be. I felt inspired and felt honored to meet so many empowering women.
As I sat on the plane on my way home, I opened the First Magazine and I ran across an article that stated, Loose your Belly Fat by Christmas. Twenty readers will be selected with a chance to be featured in a future First article and be coached by Jorge Cruise a fitness-and nutrition pro. We'll, let me tell you, I was so inspired, and with the my positive renewal on life and attitude I started writing why I wanted this on a scrap piece paper.
As I sent a picture in of my bulging belly, I kept thinking, I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm not chosen for this program. I've tried everything to get off of this sugar roller coaster. We'll within a week and a half, I received email notice, that I was one of the 20 contestants chosen.
Four weeks later, I'm still so excited. I really do like the program. It's about controlling my carbs and sugar intake along with journaling and receiving coaching. As a coach myself, trust me there is power in coaching and receiving valuable information. I've lost 6 pounds so far and look forward to helping others contribute to journaling.
Let me ask you a question. Do you have a food journal? This is something I highly recommend. If your starting out, don't concentrate on calories or fat and other things that will only make you beat yourself up or just give up. You should track your daily intake of food, water, fruit juices and soda etc. Also, write down how you were feeling when you ate those foods. Tired, frustrated, happy, sad, stressed etc... Then assign it a number. For example 1-5 with 5 being extremely hungry and 1 not being hungry at all. Also, assign your self an emotional number 1-5 with 1 being extremely emotional and 5 being happy and full of joy. What I've been doing is writing these numbers down after at least 1 main dish and at least one snack. Next, I write down what environmental circumstances gave me this emotional response and reasons for my hunger number. Did I over eat or was I smart in my thinking? This step is called the Reflection section. Next, I need to take action. What can I do to have a better day right now and tomorrow? For example, prepare my food the night before, Map out a list of restaurants in my area which serves the healthier choices. How will I balance emotions ie surrounding myself with positive people, listening to soothing music in the morning during my drive, positive self talk, deep breathing and relaxing etc. You get the idea. To remind myself of happiness, I carry an inspirational daily book or you can post sticky notes around your house and car to keep you inspired. It really is about getting in touch with your emotions.
So, for now, this is how I'm surviving despite my environmental changes. Write it down, reflect and respond. Just remember, it takes time to control our emotions. Acceptance helps moves us in a positive direction. Let me know what you're doing to keep hope alive.
Have a great and inspired week.
Take Care

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